Simple Past & Past Perfect Tense


The simple past is used for actions that have ended in the past, even if they have occurred in a recent past. With the present perfect action is related to the present.



We use Simple Past if we give past events in the order in which they occured. However, when we look back from a certain time in the past to tell what had happened before, we use Past Perfect.

Normal order in the past or looking back to an event before a certain time in the past?

Do you just want to tell what happened some time in the past or do you want to tell what had happened before/up to a certain time in the past?
The simple past:
Did you eat breakfast this morning? ( Means : Morning is over.)
had three exams this week. (It means : As in the previous example, the use of the simple past means that this week has just ended.)
The perfect present:
Have you eaten breakfast yet this morning? ( Means : Morning is not over yet.)
have had three exams already this week. Means : As before, the use of the perfect present implies that this week is not yet over.)
Remember also that we use the perfect present for actions at a time in the non-specific past. If you want to limit the time of actions in a period, we can useTime expressionsAs " last year ".
The simple past:
went to CubaLast yearI went to Cuba last year.
They saw a movieYesterdayThey watched a movie yesterday.
The perfect present:
have been to CubaIn the last yearI've been to Cuba this past year.
They have seen a movie. They have seen a movie.

 : Note the difference between the first two examples. In both, the time expression " last year " is used, but in the second example we add the preposition " in ". In this case, " last year " means a period of time within the action taken, it is not a specific time. Without the preposition " in ", " last year " implies a specific time.
I leave you a video with more explanation about this topic:

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